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Our Team

Our caring and compassionate veterinary care team!

Meet the Veterinarians & Team of East Brunswick Animal Hospital in East Brunswick! We’re pleased to provide exceptional vet care for your pets!

Please call us at 732-254-1212 to speak to one of our caring veterinary staff members!


Daniel Belli, VMD

Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Years in Practice: 41
Interests: Surgery, including orthopedics, & Ultrasonography

Daniel Belli graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 1983

Anita Greenberg, DVM

Education: Undergraduate – Penn State University, Veterinary – University of Parma, Italy
Years in Practice: 40
Interests: Small and Farm Animal Medicine

Dr. Anita Greenberg is co-owner of East Brunswick Animal Hospital with her husband, Dr. Daniel Belli.  Together they have enjoyed serving the community for over 30 years.

When not working at the hospital, Dr. Greenberg enjoys hiking, horseback riding, swimming, yoga, reading, politics, and spending time with her husband and their daughter while also caring for her pony, goats, dog, and cats.

Laurie Farragher, DVM

Education: Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
Years in Practice: 27
Interests: Exotics, including reptiles

Dr. Laurie Farragher started working at EBAH as a technician and then went on to Ross University where she graduated with her veterinary degree.

She enjoys working with a range of exotic animals, including reptiles and rabbits.

In her spare time, Dr. Farragher enjoys running and gardening.

Justin Cutillo, DVM

Education: Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Years in Practice: 14
Interests: Dentistry, Dermatology, & House Calls

Justin Cutillo has been a member of East Brunswick Animal Hospital since he started working as a technician in 1997 while in high school. He attended college at Cook College, Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ and continued on to Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Dr. Cutillo has two dogs, a rescued Siberian Husky named Sookie and a Lagotto Romagnolo named Bruno.

While not at work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and three children.

Shruti Iyer, DVM

Education: Atlantic Veterinary College at the Univ. of Prince Edward Island
Years in Practice: 8
Interests: Preventative Medicine, Surgery

Dr. Shruti Iyer is a graduate of the Atlantic Veterinary College located in Prince Edward Island. She grew up in New Jersey where she attended Rutgers University for her undergraduate degree.

In her free time, Dr. Iyer enjoys hiking, camping, horseback riding and spending time with her adopted pup Nori.

Jessica Francisco, DVM

Education: Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Years in Practice: 14
Interests: Cardiology, Ultrasonography & Exotics

Dr. Francisco attended college at Ohio State and earned her DVM from Kansas State. She started her career in her hometown in Northern NJ before joining EBAH. Her special interests include cardiology, surgery, and ultrasonography.

When she isn’t working, Dr. Francisco enjoys swimming and spending time with her family. She lives with her dog, Tauriel, cats: Frankie, Lilian, Cosette, Eponine, and her birds Loki and Storm.

Nicole Desmond, DVM,MPH

Education: Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University
Years in Practice: 4
Interests:  Preventative Medicine, Behavior, Public Health, and Infectious Diseases

Dr. Nicole Desmond received her DVM/MPH dual degree from Tufts University in Massachusetts after attending college at the University of Delaware.  She then moved to New Jersey with her husband to be closer to family.
When not working, Dr. Desmond enjoys hiking, paddle boarding, and spending time with friends and family at the beach.

Kelly Ramos, DVM

Education: St. George’s University

Years in Practice: 3

Interests: Preventative Medicine, Farm & Exotic Animal Medicine

Dr. Kelly Ramos earned her veterinary degree from St. George’s University after attending Virginia Tech for her undergraduate degree. True to being a New Jersey native, she moved back to be close to family and friends. 

In her free time, Dr. Kelly enjoys playing tennis, hiking and spending time with her loved ones. 

Dr. Nadine Pearsall, DVM

Education: Rutgers University, veterinary – St. George’s University

Years in Practice: 2nd year

Interests: Emergency Medicine

Dr. Nadine Pearsall started working at EBAH as a veterinary technician while attending Rutgers University. She left to attend school at St. George’s University and recently finished her clinical year at The University of Pennsylvania

She has recently added an Australian Shepherd named Dundee to her family. She is also a cat aunt to Ollie and Leo; 2 rescued felines she found in Philadelphia during her time in clinics.

On her free time she enjoys running, travel, and spending time at the beach.

Dr. Lauren Sarmiento, DVM

Education: Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine

Years in Practice: 1st year

Interests: Behavior, Surgery, and Medicine

When not working, Dr. Sarmiento enjoys spending time outdoors with her Shih Tzu named Oliver, island rescue named Bentley, and an orange kitty named Theodore.


Lorraine Atkinson
Office Manager

Reception Staff

Reception Staff

Surgery Technicians

From left to right: Casey, Inga, Ashley

Morning Technicians

Top: Steve, Erin, Inga, Emily, Casey

Bottom: Inga, Casey, John, Carolyn, Ashley

Evening Technicians

From left to right:  Nicole, Emily, Erin, Savannah, Tania, Kyla

Weekend Technicians

From left to right: Meghan, Allison, Caitlyn